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Call for Performing Arts x Technology Creative Proposals


Call for Experimental Proposals:

Awardees will receive as much as HKD $90,000 in project subsidies to complete the submitted proposal

One-month residence in units at the Cattle Depot Artist Village

In-progress experimental showing​

Potential invitation to develop your project into a complete performance

(1) Objectives:

Aside from the production of a performance, in recent years, the global discussion about performing arts has begun to view the creative process with greater importance, paying greater attention to the space and resources needed at the conceptualization stage, as well as the necessary background data collection and research. This plan does not take the production of a complete performance work as its objective, but instead takes a person-centred approach, equally emphasizing concept, values, experimentation, reflection, discourse and practice. It provides resources and one month of studio space to the creator, allowing them to ferment new ways of thinking and confirm the direction of their creative production, thus updating and altering their artistic principles. By going through the process of a work-in-progress, they develop an interdisciplinary as well as holistic field of thinking, laying a foundation for future complete works.

Simultaneously, in the wake of COVID-19, in-person performances have been delayed or cancelled one after another. Many performances have changed direction, being presented through online live-streaming or video technology streaming platforms. Because of the pandemic, the linkage between technology and performing arts has become ever tighter. Exchange and discussion ignite even deeper exploration, elevating the development and future of the performing arts industry in applied technology. Of course, we are not only facing a change in performance format; what’s more important is that we must simultaneously reflect on what ‘new’ revelations and futures technology can bring to the industry in light of this pandemic. Responding to the diversification and transcultural development of trans-media art, this plan encourages creators to make new attempts in form or content, and to let their imagination run wild. Participants can define ‘art technology’ for themselves: it could be a technical exploration of trans-media art and new technology, or of the relationship between art and technology. Anything is possible, and there is still hope for everything. Finally, we hope that these ‘new’ imaginations, through experimentation and application, can take shape within the industry, providing even bolder and more creative ideas, plugging into the vastly different ‘post’-pandemic performing arts environment.

(2) Plan Content:

This plan will involve an open call. Participants must submit a research plan pertaining to elements of art and technology, whether conceptual or methodological, and its ultimate relation to performing arts. The work must touch on the transcultural field in its scope, and finally be presented in the format of an in-progress showing. Performers must be involved, who can perform live or through other means of performance.

(3) Funding plan:

  • The jury will choose 2 proposals, with the selected individual or team receiving:

  • At most HKD$90,000 for data collection, creation, presentation and production costs for the “ Work in-progress experimental showing” (including participant commission, technical support, stage design, lighting, sound, etc.);

  • The organizers will provide one projector, a small amount of VR equipment, some technical equipment and a basic Wi-Fi setup;

  • One month’s stay in the No. 5, No. 12, and N2 units at Cattle Depot Artist Village, with the usage time to be negotiated between the selected artist / team and the organizers;

  • One creative consultant each for support and to follow up with the creative process;

  • A 20-minute “in-progress experimental showing” and a post-show discussion (the experimental showing will be a publicly ticketed event with a live audience, with the profits of ticket sales going to the organizer);

  • If the presentation is innovative and can be executed, the creator(s) may receive an invitation to develop it into a full performance.

(4) Application Eligibility:

  • Individual or group applications are accepted;

  • The applicant must be a Hong Kong resident of at least 18 years of age with a Hong Kong Identity Card;

  • If applying as a group, one primary member must act as the applicant;

  • The applicant can participate simultaneously under individual and group identities, under the condition that only one proposal can be submitted under each identity;

  • The proposal must include, and the ‘in-progress experimental showing’ must express, the concept of ‘Art Technology’;

  • The definition of ‘art technology’ is left open to the interpretation of the participant(s);

  • The plan aims to provide developmental opportunities for under-resourced persons or groups; as such, those persons / groups and affiliated employees currently receiving the Leisure and Cultural Services Department Venue Partnership Scheme, the Home Affairs Bureau Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme, or the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Year Grant, as well as employees of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, will not be considered;

  • Persons or groups who have not previously received long-term financial support will be given priority consideration.

(5) Methods:

Applications will be accepted from September 28, 2021 to October 30, 2021;

Submission Deadline: 11:59pm on October 30, 2021;

Only online applications will be accepted. Please fill out the submission form and budget, and complete the necessary procedures;

Each application can only include a proposal of up to 4 pages (participant resumes as well as financial budgets are not counted towards this total). The proposal file must be Word or PDF, with a paper size of A4, 12-point font, single-spaced (1.0); the proposal must be written in Chinese or English;

The plan contents include:

1. What “art technology” means to the participant(s)

2. Concept and experimental methods

3. How the space at Cattle Depot Artist Village will be used for the month

4. Team structure and member introductions

5. Budget and expense sheet

6. Experimental presentation contents and process

7. Final goals and imagined blueprint for future completed product

If video or photos are needed to assist with the explanation, the proposal can include download or viewing links.

(6) Schedule:

  • September 28, 2021: Call for proposal

  • October 30, 2021: Applications close

  • End of October to Beginning of November, 2021: Preliminary evaluations, some applicants will be invited for an online interview

  • Within November 2021: Results announced

  • December 22, 2021 to January 23, 2022: Residence at Cattle Depot Artist Village

  • December 2021 to Mid-January, 2022: Attend Mid-term Recital (Participants must attend)

  • January 22-23, 2022: In-progress experimental performance, each applicant will deliver 2 performances

(7) Work in progress experimental Performance:

  • Presents the applicant’s concept of ‘art technology’

  • 20-minute experimental work, which must include the performance of the performer(s)

  • Post-production sharing and discussion

(8) Jury and Evaluation Criteria:3

Jury Members:

Adrian Yeung, Faye Leong^, Felix Chan, Gabriel Fung, Man Tung Tsang, May Fung, Oliver Shing, Pat To Yan

^With support and kind permission of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Definition of ‘Art Technology’: Practicality and creativity   

  • Trial Process: Provocativeness and innovativeness     

  • Creative team: Diverse cultural grouping or presentation    

  • In-progress experimental showing: Despite being an in-progress presentation of the entire concept, must be an audience-facing complete performance


If any concerns arise, please feel free to inquire via email:

copyright: FELIXISM CREATION since 2010
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